Le chien le plus musclé du monde


4 commentaires:

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Mon Théo il lui pète la gueule

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Youpy, tu as gagné le prix du premier commentaire!!!!

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je veux le même ça déchire trop un chien comme ça! dommage que ce soit une erreur génétique...

"Wendy the Whippet has a genetic disorder that has resulted in an exceptionally muscular appearance." "rare genetic mutation that has led to her being the Incredible Hulk of dogs.
[...] Wendy was recently part of a genetics study done in the U.S. on mutation in the myostatin gene in whippets [...] The National Institute of Health study reported that whippets with one single defective copy of the gene have increased muscle mass [...] But whippets with two mutated copies of the gene become "double-muscled," like Wendy"

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Merci tomtom pour ces precisions


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